home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <WIZSET ListContainsDN = 'NO'>
- <WIZLOOP index="AttrName" list="$${Attributes}">
- <WIZIF LCase(Trim(AttrName)) EQ 'dn'>
- <WIZSET ListContainsDN = 'YES'>
- </WIZIF>
- <WIZIF ListContainsDN EQ 'NO'>
- <WIZSET AttributesWithDN = 'dn,' & Attributes>
- <WIZSET AttributesWithDN = Attributes>
- </WIZIF>
- <!--- list of attributes (including DN) to display --->
- <CFSET Attributes = "$${AttributesWithDN}">
- <!--- if DN is specified, look directly for the entry --->
- <CFIF ParameterExists(dn)>
- <CFSET Start = "#dn#">
- <CFSET Scope = "base">
- <!--- ... else look for the first descendant --->
- <CFSET Start = "$${Root}">
- <CFSET Scope = "oneLevel">
- </CFIF>
- <!--- retrieve the entry --->
- <CFLDAP NAME="GetEntry"
- SERVER="$${ServerName}"
- PORT="$${ServerPort}"
- USERNAME="$${Username}"
- PASSWORD="$${Password}"
- ACTION="query"
- START="#Start#"
- SCOPE="#Scope#"
- ATTRIBUTES="#Attributes#"
- TIMEOUT="$${Timeout}"
- >
- <TITLE>$${ApplicationName} - View Record</TITLE>
- </HEAD><BODY bgcolor="ffffff">
- <FONT size="+1">$${ApplicationName}</FONT> <BR>
- <FONT size="+2"><B>View Record</B></FONT>
- <FORM action="$${SafeApplicationName}_LdapAction.cfm" method="post">
- <INPUT type="hidden" name="dn" value="<CFOUTPUT>#GetEntry.dn#</CFOUTPUT>">
- <INPUT type="submit" name="btnView_First" value=" << ">
- <INPUT type="submit" name="btnView_Previous" value=" < ">
- <INPUT type="submit" name="btnView_Next" value=" > ">
- <INPUT type="submit" name="btnView_Last" value=" >> ">
- <INPUT type="submit" name="btnView_Add" value=" Add ">
- <INPUT type="submit" name="btnView_Edit" value=" Edit ">
- <INPUT type="submit" name="btnView_Delete" value="Delete">
- </FORM>
- <!--- display all attributes and their values --->
- <CFLOOP index="Attribute" list="#Attributes#">
- <TR><TD>#Attribute#:</TD>
- <TD>#Evaluate( 'GetEntry.#Trim(Attribute)#' )#</TD>
- </TR>
- </TABLE>
- </BODY></HTML>